On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare experienced a cyber security incident. Any individuals impacted by this incident will receive a letter in the mail. Learn more about this from Change HealthcareExternal Link, or reach out to the contact center at 1-866-262-5342.
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On Feb. 21, 2024, Change Healthcare experienced a cyber security incident. Any individuals impacted by this incident will receive a letter in the mail. Learn more about this from Change HealthcareExternal Link, or reach out to the contact center at 1-866-262-5342.
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- List of Drugs (Formulary)
- Medication Therapy Management (MTMP)
- Mail Order Service
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- Coverage Determinations and Redeterminations
- Prior Authorication, Step Therapy & Quantity Limitations
- Out-of-Network Pharmacies
- Medication (Drug) Management and Safety
- Drug Transition Policy
- Pharmacy Forms
- Medicare Prescription Payment Plan
- Caregivers
Raising Healthy Kids
Tips for Parents
You play an important role in shaping your children's attitudes toward exercise. Learn some tips to help them be more active.
Vaccines for Your Child
Babies are born with some natural protection from certain diseases. But they still need vaccines.
Have Your Child Checked for Lead
What is lead?
Lead is a heavy metal found in the earth's crust. It can combine with other chemicals to form lead compounds or salts. Lead is a natural element that does not break down in the environment and is very hard to clean up.
Teens and Drugs: Know the Signs
Teenagers may be involved with drugs in various ways. Experimentation at this age is common. Unfortunately, most teens do not realize how their actions affect their future. They might think they do not have problems that others have.
Keep Kids Fit and Healthy
What is the first thing your kids do when they come home from school? Do they grab a snack and head for the TV or computer?
Eating too much and not being active can make kids too heavy. In the last 20 years, the rate of overweight kids has doubled. About 15% of kids ages 6-19 weigh too much. That means that nearly one out of every five kids is too heavy.
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